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Godrej Pilot M/M1 - Explosive Vapor Detector

Godrej Pilot M/M1 - Explosive Vapor Detector

In today’s fast moving life, timely detection of explosives/similar objects and exposing the dreaded acts of terrorists, has great significance for prevention of acts of terrorism, and saving of human lives. These kind of situations demand a highly versatile and user friendly Explosive Detector. That’s where Pilot M1 bomb detector comes as a ready made solution. The device is very convenient to use and has easy portability designed with ergonomics coupled with capabilities like high sensitivity, quick detection, high selectivity and low warm up time. Pilot M1 becomes a highly valuable device to combat terrorist activities & acts as an bomb detector. In fact .
For experts from Bomb Disposal Teams, Pilot M1 bomb detector can be connected to a PC or a Laptop, to carry out an intense analysis of the detected substance. The bomb detector comes with many accessories which can simplify the efforts of the bomb disposal technician.

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